I’m not one for setting lofty goals or resolutions. I think that we see progress by making changes not making a list of things we wish would happen. I’m going to read more this year and you can too!
Today I’m sharing my tips for how to read more even if you don’t think you have the time. I’m also going to share the fun way that I’m motivating myself to read more.
Ways to read more without needing more hours in the day
I have always been a reader. As a child I loved to get lost in a good book and as an adult that hasn’t changed much. It’s an escape, a way to learn new things, a hobby, and kind of a collection at this point as well.
I love everything about reading. I love books, I enjoy the technology aspect from time to time with my Kindle and I write out those tax checks every year feeling blessed that part of that fee goes to my local library which keeps me in books without having to add a wing onto the house to store them all.
If you are looking for ways to read more but feel like maybe you don’t have the time I’m going to share some tips and tricks for how to make this year a success.
Over the last few months I’ve been trying some new things. I’ve gotten lost in the shuffle and haven’t been reading as much as I used to. I wanted to find ways to read more without sacrificing my work time or having to completely cut myself off from the world…this happens when I fall into a particularly engaging series from time to time 🙂
Here’s what I have come up with!
Put down the phone…
Okay, we all know that we spend too much time on our phones but I’m especially guilty of this in the morning and right before bed. These are two times that I’ve been reaching for whatever book I’m working on instead. I let my phone on the charger, clip on my book light, and read until I fall asleep.
When I get up in the morning instead of going right for my phone…which is usually just filled with crap news and horrifying garbage anyway…I pick up my book and start the day out with a chapter or two while I eat my breakfast and get ready for the day.
The added bonus is that I’m spending less time on my phone and it makes me feel great. Social media is depressing as hell somedays and it’s been easier than I thought to separate from it a bit in favor of some reading time.
Get some fun accessories…
Tilisma provided me with some products to test to facilitate a review! All opinions are my own.
One of the easiest ways I keep myself motivated to read more is to get some excellent accessories that I love. When I needed to force myself to drink more water I got some awesome new water bottles…when I wanted to read more and be motivated to read all day long I snatched up some great new accessories for reading.
One company that I love that makes great reading accessories is Tilisma. They make book page holders, book ends, book marks and more. I love the book page holder because it makes life easier and keeps my hands from hurting from holding books open in a weird position.
Another accessory they make that I love is the bookstand! It’s great for the kitchen or for on your desk. It’s easy to use and look great. It’s sleek and modern and of course, useful!
Finally, bookmarks! The woodmarks are gorgeous and well crafted. I like them because they’re not plastic and easily breakable or bendable. They keep my place are sturdy.

Check out the library…
My library is local but I know that not everyone has that option. I will say though that checking out the library catalog online has been a huge game changer for me.
My local library has a network of resources for ebooks and audiobooks that is truly incredible. I can get ebooks and audio books at no cost and I can access them right here in my home. If you don’t have time to read ebooks that you can enjoy on your commute or audio books that you can listen to if you have to drive are excellent.
Another reason I head to the library is for inspiration. There are so many new books coming out and the library has books that I wouldn’t normally come across in the best seller section at Target or Wal-Mart! Finding new and exciting reads gets me excited to read more and helps me avoid that stagnant slump that usually pushes me back towards other hobbies.
Take your book with you…
One of the things I’ve found most useful in the last few months is to keep my books with me. If I’m working on an actual book I throw it in my bag before I leave for the day. Otherwise I have my phone to access my Kindle books or my actual Kindle in my bag as well.
When I’m working out I have my book to read, when I’m stuck in a waiting room I have my book to read, when I’m bored at a family party because everyone has devolved into the arguing portion of the day I have my book to read. Just having the book with me means I read more because it’s there and it’s something to do to occupy my time.
Make a list…
I have an online list of the books that I’ve read that I track through GoodReads. You can do the same or you can make a physical list of the books that you read. There is just something about marking things off or adding them to a completed list that offers a sense of accomplishment.
This feeling of accomplishment is what motivates me keep reading sometimes. I’ll finish a book that I wasn’t crazy about and feel like I’m sick of books for a minute…instead of getting discouraged I mark it off, leave a review on GoodReads, and move onto something better.
Make it a habit…
That’s what we’re all trying to do, right? Thing is you can easily make something a habit by just doing it at the same time everyday.
If you want to read more just pick a time of day and stick with it. For me, like I mentioned it’s usually in the morning over breakfast and before bed.
Take a book break…
This one might actually require a little more time out of your day but if you are a creative person, like me, sometimes you need that head clearing time. When I get sick of work and feel like I’m lagging I just take some time to read for a few minutes. It’s a great way to take a break and get lost in another world for a bit.
When I come back to my desk I can come at my project with a new sense of dedication and with a clear mind. It’s helpful for productivity so I call it a win and consider it part of my day when necessary 🙂

Buy a Kindle…
If you struggle with actually wanting to lug a book with you or if you just don’t have space for books or access to a library get a Kindle. You can get them SO SO CHEAP now. I have a Kindle 3 which is the model with the keyboard. It’s my favorite and it’s so old and it doesn’t have a light and when it dies I’ll buy another used one.
I also have a Kindle Paperwhite that I use when I travel because the light is convenient and the battery life is amazing. I’ve found that I’ll read more when I have my Kindle with me because the tactile difference is rewarding in some sense.
If you are finding that you can’t finish books or just need to mix it up I’d definitely recommend checking Facebook Marketplace or even secondhand stores to pickup a cheap Kindle. You can also click the links above to shop on Amazon for them though the used options are cheaper for sure!
Join a book club…
This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time and I think this year I’m going to start one on Facebook and see how it goes before doing a physical in person meet up version.
I love books and I love talking about books but finding other people who can set aside the time to get through a book in a month is tough sometimes. I’m hoping that joining a book club will be a great way to get me motivated to keep reading continuously throughout the year.
Get new books…
I think that getting new books keeps me motivated to read. When I get something new I want to dive right in!
One way I’m making that part of my year is with Book of the Month clubBook of the Month club. It’s an awesome online program that lets you pick a new book each month from a curated list of new releases and pre-releases. They usually focus on new authors which I like, it really broadens my horizons and gives me access to things I wouldn’t normally encounter.
It’s cheap too! I love that the books are cheaper than buying them in the store and for just $5 you can join and get your first month. I’m including my affiliate link my affiliate link so you can check it out for yourself.
If you use my link to sign up you get your first month for $5, free shipping, and you can choose from ANY of the books on the sight. Ninth House is amazing, Reverie was incredible, and this month I’m getting The Sun Down Motel which I’m very excited about!

Looking for other book related content here at Millennial Beauty Sisters?
Good news, we’ve got lots of great content here at MBS. Here are some other book related posts that you can check out. Be sure to check back for more, I’ve been adding reviews of the things I read as I have the time!
- Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo | Book Review
- The Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L. Armentrout | Book Review
- Boyfriend Material By Alexis Hall | Book Review
- Red, White & Royal Blue By Casey McQuiston | Book Review
- The Infinity Courts By Akemi Dawn Bowman | Book Review
- Bridge Of Souls By Victoria Schwab | Book Review
- A Pho Love Story by Loan Le | Book Review
- Turtles All The Way Down | John Green
- Inspirational Quote | Free Printable
- Travel Planning Tips for Millennials