Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask

Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil DIY Facemask

Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask

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This chocolate coffee coconut oil face mask is natural, smells delicious, and makes your skin glow! I love using this mask as an exfoliator and moisturizing refresher when my skin has been through a lot. It’s great for the summer after those harsh rays or in the winter when you need that boost of caffeine to get the blood flowing and some refreshing delights for your face.

Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil DIY Facemask

This is a great one for Mud Mask Monday! This chocolate coffee coconut oil recipe is a super easy DIY face mask for all of your relaxing Mud Mask Monday needs. Devyn and I both had such great results with this mask we’ve made it our go-to for skincare. It made our skin super soft, works as an exfoliator, and it smells like you are eating the best chocolate cake…without all the extra calories. You can make this mask and give it a try today…you probably have all the ingredients in your kitchen already. Did I mention this sucker is all natural?!?

Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil DIY Face Mask

For our masks we used the following recipe…Remember, this made two masks and we had a bit leftover. The great thing is that this chocolate coffee coconut oil DIY face mask stores really well in a small sealed container. You could whip up a whole batch and keep it in the fridge for a few weeks with no issues. Simply heat it up a bit before use to make it smooth and you are ready to go. Add extra fresh ground coffee if you like your scrub to be a bit more dense and chunky.

Ingredients Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask:

Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask

Instructions for Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask:

  1. Mix all ingredients together until smooth(ish)
  2. Then apply to clean dry face with a foundation (or other similar) brush
  3. We left ours on for about 20-25 minutes before jumping in the shower. While in the shower, or washing off the mask, take advantage of the exfoliation from the coffee grounds and do a little light scrubbing.

This chocolate coffee coconut oil face mask will help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. The coffee has a nice stimulating effect and the coconut oil does amazing things for keeping skin soft and supple!

Here we are in all our glory with our brown goopy faces! Sometimes, beauty is worth the goofy looks. I really enjoy the exfoliating aspects of this mask. I put it on regularly and then when I rinse it off I make sure to give a little massage to help remove dead skin cells and promote blood flow for some regenerative properties.

The coffee really helps with the skin renewal as well. The caffeine helps boost blood flow to the area and honestly, the smell is just to die for. It’s probably one of the only DIY masks that I’ve done that I think I could probably eat if I had to or say, if someone dared me.


Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask

Let us know what you think! Have you ever used a mask like this one? How about that smell?!? YUM!

Don’t miss out on these other great masks:








About Author

Meagen is a newlywed book loving, animal hoarding, beauty junkie that enjoys hanging out with friends and family! I love my library, my pets, my beauty stash, my family & friends, and not necessarily in that order. Remember: I'm almost certainly winging it no matter how good it looks!


  1. […] from fever and a bunch of canned soup My skin definitely needed a treatment after a rough week so Mud Mask Monday Our Favorites could not have been more on point for me! Devyn also threw some gloves and booties […]

  2. […] to the right place. We have tons of awesome face masks, our chocolate coffee coconut face scrub is similar to this recipe and very popular, if you like this one make sure to check that one out! Another great post that we […]

  3. […] of my previous attempts at Winter skin care. I have some DIY skin care options up on the site. The Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask is one of my favorites. It smells great and I use that for girls nights and spa days all the time. […]

  4. […] Millennial Beauty Sisters | Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask & Scrub […]

  5. […] Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Facemask […]

  6. […] Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask […]

  7. […] Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask – Millennial Beauty Sisters […]

  8. It really works. And it Smells Wonderful Too. 🙂

  9. S. Dallas Prevost, MD says:

    Great recipe! Every morning I have a cup of Moroccan Spiced Coffee–ground organic cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cardamon, clove, and black pepper (all organic)–to which I add turmeric and cocoa (also organic).

    Instead of simply throwing away the finely-ground organic coffee grounds from my espresso maker, I save it for a body scrub. Thanks to your recipe, I’ve found yet another great use for my coffee grounds! I’ll add some turmeric to your recipe.

  10. […] check out my DIY Blackhead Clearing Peel Off Mask, the best Fall Face Mask, the ever popular Chocolate Coconut Coffee Face Scrub, and my personal favorite: the honey cinnamon face […]

  11. […] Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask – Do you want the skin on your face to feel smooth and smell amazing?  This Chocolate Coffee Coconut Oil Face Mask will do just that! […]

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